North House Gallery. exhibitions, paintings, drawings, sculpture, original prints and books by modern and contemporary artists of East Anglian, national and international fame.


Works on Canvas

This is the fourth in a series of exhibitions of work by Blair Hughes-Stanton (1902-1981), the painter-engraver whose studio was converted into North House Gallery in 1999. To date his individual wood- and lino-engravings, engravings for books and unique works on paper have been separately showcased. This time his paintings on canvas are the focus.

Visiting Paris as a student in the twenties, he was heavily influenced by Cézanne and imagined that he could quite happily spend his life painting couples in haystacks. Parenthood inspired figures with babies and a move to Suffolk prompted landscapes. The colours and brushstrokes of the oils at this early stage are free and playful.

In the three years before the Second World War his painting was more abstract and influenced not only, of course, by Picasso but also, strange to say, by his own wood-engravings. Smooth pale tempera is scored to a darker under-surface so that the image is, in effect, engraved. Other colours are then superimposed.

His large tempera canvases from the late sixties have an even smoother surface but the seated nudes and figures on beaches are portrayed in startling colour.

Exhibition dates

Open on Saturdays, 10 am - 5 pm

These images are a selection of the works available at the Gallery
Please contact the gallery for further information.

Exhibition venue: North House Gallery The Walls, Manningtree, Essex CO11 1AS
© 2025 North House Gallery - The Walls, Manningtree, Essex, CO11 1AS